Monday, October 7, 2013

Difference between Primary memory and secondary (auxiliary memory)

Primary memory and secondary (auxiliary memory): In every computer there are mainly two types of Memories to store the data, program, etc. Primary memory (which is normally known as ram) and secondary Memory (which is normally known as hard Disk). Followings are main differences between these two types of  Memories

Primary memory
Secondary memory (auxiliary memory)
Primary memory hold the data, program And information which are currently Under execution.
Secondary memory hold data, information and Program permanently.

It is a temporary storage
It is a permanent storage
These are normally made with
Semiconductor material and are in the Form of an IC (chip) (RAM, ROM etc.)
These are with some magnetic and optical material And normally are in the form of a disk. (hard disk,
Floppy disk etc.)
Primary memories are fast in operation Than secondary memories.
These memories are slower in operation than primary memories
Cost of these memories are high
Therefore, these memories
Are used in Small size then the secondary memories Normally in MB(mega byte ) size
These memories are low cost memories and normally
Used in large size like GB (Gigabytes)

These are on board memories ( internal)That is they are the part of CPU (motherboard)
These memories are supplies as an external media And attached to CPU as a separate device.

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